Posted on Saturday, April 18, 2020

#035. Seras Victoria


Seras Victoria


Hellsing (ヘルシング)
First appearance: 1998

Requested by mrsinv1

Y'know, it's just as George Harrison used to sing: "Something in the way she looks... as she's about to tear me open..."

Wait, that's not how it goes? Oh well. At any rate, I seem to have a thing for damsels angrily staring at the camera before they surely break out of their restraints and lay down some pain. But while it lasts, let's enjoy the armbinder, mmm?

There is also once again an extra butt... er, bit. Since the pose was a bit difficult, I drew further down than necessary to make sure I did it right, and at that point it would really be a waste not to include that lovingly rendered derrière.

Alternate versions:
TAGS: 2020, patreon requests, armbinders, ring gags, hellsing

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